The Power of the #hashtag

It could just be me being a slow poke and only just finding out about the #hashtag usage in Pinterest. But I want to make sure nobody else misses out on this little tidbit of powerful information. So I have a Pinterest account (shameless plug) which I recently started and since I’ve read a bit about the power of social media, I discovered that yes, you can use hashtags to find pins via Pinterest just like you would with Twitter or Tumblr. I just wanted to confirm that this is the case and from my most recent experiences so far, it works! I don’t have very many followers on Pinterest to being with but since I started using hashtags (yesterday), I’ve had four new followers. Considering I only have 104, statistically speaking, that’s a few more followers than I was getting thanks to using hashtags with my pins. It could also just be a matter of coincidence which I have also considered, but I’ll continue to use hashtags going forward and I’ll compare my follower count now vs then to confirm findings at a later date.

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