Frustrations! I changed my mind about the next tutorial because…

I was really frustrated because I didn’t feel like working in Illustrator today when I got home, and then I mucked around for an hour on Pinterest and suddenly decided I wanted to make something!

When I finally found a tutorial I wanted to do, the stupid “assets” used to create the image I wanted weren’t free stock photos and sorry but I’m not paying for random stock photos I’ll probably never use again.

So what did I learn from this experience? 1. Don’t waste time if you’re supposed to be creating something, create. 2. Don’t rely on assets in tutorials (which I should have learned from my nightmarish experience on this tutorial and 3. Half your time is spent looking for assets (which shouldn’t take all that long but I’m fussy and particular).

I ended up not doing anything at all because the tutorial was specific to the image and I couldn’t find another image that was close enough to use…

I feel like I need to rage lol… and I won’t be making anything today. So I am going to go and watch a movie that’ll hopefully help to forget that I just broke my “edit a day” promise to myself 😞

But here is one of the earliest animations I did when I first started showcasing them on my blog – and it’s still one of my favourite Star Wars animations. This makes me feel a little better…

VADER 01 (450px, 25fps)

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