Pick Me Up Friday’s☺️😊

Hi all, and welcome to another Pick Me Up Friday. This is the second attempt at this post because the first one wasn’t very “pick me uppy”, so I am writing this one instead! I hope you are all doing well and if not, let me know in the comments! “A burden halved is a burden shared”, as they say.

So here’s today’s pretty graphic for you all – does this resonate with you on any level?

It’s nice to get out of your own head for a minute and spend time looking at the people around you. Are they your kids, friends, cousins or significant other? Are they influenced by the good things you do? I hope they are! Because it’s true – you never know who is watching and finding inspiration in what you do. How great does it feel to inspire others? Pretty wonderful, I think! 😊😁 No matter how small, hopefully, it can help someone else feel better about themselves and aspire to do great things.

Have a great weekend! I am heading into a long weekend in New Zealand as it is Queens Birthday Weekend here, and I get FOUR wonderful days off! I am really looking forward to it 🙂

Until next time my friends, stay safe and creative and I’ll catch you in the next post!

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