Line Art Continued – Rey

So yesterday I posted some art that I made which I really enjoyed creating so I’ve started a companion piece for the Kylo Ren one for Rey. But as I mentioned, I can’t actually remember how I created that image 🤣 so I am having to spend some time inside Photoshop (which I love doing) to recreate that effect

I think I am almost there, I am just trying to figure out colours and background image for the piece. I have the one I want to use but so far nothing seems to sit right.

So I am having to play around with the settings a fair bit in PS and it’s taking time to do that so I won’t have anything finished until the end of the week (most likely).

I wanted to just drop in and say hi to everyone and I hope you are all staying safe and happy and productive at home! Please do drop me a line any time if you want to chat, my virtual door is always open 🙂

Catch you in tomorrow’s post or in the comments friends! I might have the image completed by tomorrow but yeah, that’s a might at this stage 🙂

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