Quick Star Wars Book Update

I’ve spent a lot of time in Photoshop trying to get this tutorial done, but I think I screwed up the image ratios. Part of the image looks weird, and I don’t like it, so I will not post it until I figure out what I did wrong. So that kept me fairly busy today.

On the writing side of things, I recently updated my writing blog about where I am headed, and I put together a draft for my first post on Vocal. But again, I didn’t like what I had written, so I scrapped that, which was almost 1000 words, lol. Something in the way that my text sounded put me off, and that was after multiple edits and rewrites. I am just in one of those moods, I guess were the perfectionist side of me takes over, and I second-guess a lot of what I do.

On the Star Wars front, I am busy reading this:

It’s the first book I’ve settled down to read in a while as I am terribly fussy when it comes to reading, and usually, it takes a lot for me to love a book right away. But this book is really entertaining and not only that, but it is extremely informative. There are so many things I’ve read already (up to page 583) that I never knew about Star Wars and George Lucas. So I think I’ll review this book when I am done 🙂

Let me know if there are any books you’re currently reading, my friends and let me know what you think of the books you’re reading as I am keen to know!

Catch you in the comments or in tomorrow’s post, and until then, stay safe out there and May the Force Be With You. 😁

If you like my Star Wars posts, you can check out more of them right here.

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12 thoughts on “Quick Star Wars Book Update

  1. You’re not going to believe this, but I am actually reading the exact same book! I received this book as a gift over a year ago (Christmas 2019), but my stack of books waiting to be read is so tall, I am just now getting to it! I just starting reading the second section, about the runaway success of A New Hope. Like you said, there are a lot of little facts and tidbits that I did know either.

    Anyway, what are the chances of us reading the same thing at the same time?! Wow. My mind is now blown.

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    1. Haha hey there! And wow is right that is so awesome that we are reading the same exact book lol 🙂 If you want, we can compare thoughts once you’ve finished it 🙂 I’d love to hear your take on it when you’re done 🙂 And yes, I am reading through this book and I am like “never knew that” lol it’s great learning new things about Star Wars 🙂

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      1. Yeah, that would be great! I’ll let you know when I am done. You may have listened to this already, but there is a podcast called Inside Star Wars. It tells the story of George Lucas and the events and struggles leading up to A New Hope. It’s maybe ten episodes long or so, and the host actually interviewed George to make it. Anyway, just something you might be interested in 🙂

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