Pick Me Up Friday’s β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜Š

Hello everyone, and welcome to another post for PICK ME UP Friday’s by yours truly!

Another week has gone by, and we are already into April! Can you believe that? Time is flying by.

So I didn’t have anything planned for today, although I am still very much into sharing my affirmations with anyone interested.

So here’s another one that I found and liked to share with my friends:

Image from DreamsQuote

I’m still very much a learner trying to learn how to use affirmations daily. But I think an affirmation is more than just a positive quote. Like anything else, your mind can be trained to think differently, just like you can train your body to run long distances or lift weights in the gym.

The affirmation itself is only a small part of the work you have to do to become a believer in life’s positive things. You have to completely change your mindset. And this is what I am focusing on a lot more daily. There’s definitely something to thinking about how you want your life to be. I think it works if you allow it to, but you have to surrender to that thought as often as possible, if not all the time. And that isn’t easy if you’ve been training your brain to think negatively.

I am in this boat, but I think I’ve been thrown a paddle to start moving through the ocean of negativity towards the shore of positivity.

That sounds a little corny, lol, but I like it, so it’s staying in this post πŸ˜…πŸ˜

Have a good end of the week when it comes and a wonderfully positive weekend, my friends!

Catch you in tomorrow’s post or in the comments!

If you like my posts, you can check out more of them right here.

And while you’re there, why not consider following me on Twitter, Instagram and right here, on WordPress.

Thanks for your support!

10 thoughts on “Pick Me Up Friday’s β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜Š

  1. I’ve been reading Jen Sincero’s Badass books (called You Are a Badass,lol) and she talks about these very things, in a very relatable, and often funny, way. I wish I had learned this stuff a long time ago, but then again, when I was younger I probably would have thought it was all silly and yes, corny. But now I don’t care, lol. I care more about changing my life and being successful. So bring on the cornball stuff, because everything I’ve tried up to now hasn’t worked, lol.

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    1. Ohhh so good, I haven’t heard of her but I read a book which was a huge release at the time called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck lol I think it’s a similar type of book where someone is giving you advice so you can feel more confident about yourself and open yourself up to change in a positive way. Nobody likes change, but change is gonna come where you want it to or not so better to be prepared for it and ready to move forward. That’s what I think anyway πŸ˜€ You should write a post about what you learn from that book, I’d love to read it πŸ™‚

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      1. I’ve heard of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. Probably written in the same vein as Bad Ass, with swear words and stuff so it’s not so dry. I just might do a post on it, even though it’s “off topic”, lol. It’s my blog, I can do what I want, right? Actually, I can tie it into why I started the blog in the first place and how I want to make it grow and you know, be a bad ass, lol. Have you done a review of Subtle Art?

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      2. Exactly! It’s your blog and you can do whatever you want with it πŸ™‚ I mean look at what I do with darksiderconfessions – it’s mixed with Star Wars, Art and Blogging/Social Media. Normally I wouldn’t think those topics would go well together but I seem to be doing something right with it. You should experiment and see what you like. The people that matter will always stay. At the end of the day, if people leave then they aren’t the right people for your blog πŸ˜€ It’s your space. It’s a special place for you. I say go for it πŸ˜€ And nah, I didn’t review it because I was on this whole “I don’t need or like self help books” lol so I kinda felt like I was reading it because someone else said I should and not because I actually wanted to. I dunno it’s hard to explain, I mean a lot of the concepts discussed in that book aren’t new to me. I think people just have a hard time applying it to their own lives because in this day and age, people are ultra sensitive. That is what I think anyway. So when people who are straight up and tough and in your face come along, the whole world is like WOOOAHH like it’s some sort of miracle lol. But really it’s just someone who says what they think when everyone else refrains from that.

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      3. Yeah, I think you’re right, I need to be a little more flexible with the blog. Maybe it will actually grow a bit more if I do, lol. And I wrote a post about my experience with the Bad Ass books and how it affected my decision to start the blog. I’ll probably post it tomorrow or Monday.

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      4. Nice I am looking forward to reading it. I actually wrote a huge post on Medium about “pigeonholing” your writing on Medium and how avoiding that can help to find a better audience. And I think some of those ideas can work anywhere you write. I mean I understand why people blog about a one topic. Makes sense. But what if you’re the type of writer that has more to tell and more to write about? You either create another blog (not recommended I speak from experience lol) or you branch out on your primary blog. I think one of the reasons why people don’t experiment is because they are afraid to lose readers. And that makes perfect sense if that’s all you care about. I mean I care about my readership but not in the way I used to. I used to really obsess over my follower count. Now I am more accepting of myself and my the content I write. It won’t be for everyone but then again, I’ve made some of the best friends on this platform. And all the people that matter will stay πŸ™‚

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    1. Wow that is an awesome post. I really enjoyed reading it πŸ™‚ And you bring up some very good points about these books, things that I have read before but in a different light. It’s great when something you want to read actually resonates with you enough to take action. I am very much like you in the sense that I am very socially awkward and introverted. I prefer my own company and my partner’s (that’s about as far as I’ll go to be social lol I know its so bad) to groups of people. So one thing I used to do to push myself out of this mindset was go to concerts if bands I liked came here. This was the ultimate test at the time, pushing myself entirely into unchartered territory with my fear of crowds and of people in general. At first I suffered through it. But the more I did it the more I realised how much happier I was being around other people. And that the fear I had was mostly unfounded, rooted in my mind by my “little prince” – something that exists only if I give it life. I am still as shy as I was when I was as teenager and living behind my words as well. But I am slowly taking little steps to improving. And I know that I am improving. I think trying to do something you fear is at the key of becoming a better person. And why wouldn’t you want to? It’s the best gift you could ever give yourself, am I right? πŸ˜€ Wonderful review – you definitely have to do more of these!


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