Star Wars LEGO Art for Adults Releasing August!

So I swore I would never buy Lego’s products (primarily because I have a friend who collects Star Wars Lego and he spends a fortune on them). I know what I’m like with Star Wars merchandise and toys. I have very little willpower which is why I said “no” to any LEGO!

But now LEGO has done something I never thought possible… made me a fan and now I MUST buy these and make them!

Officially announced on the Star Wars dot com website– this is Lego’s marketing attempt at drawing in the “adult” fans with collectable art pieces you can create yourself starting with the SITH kit. And the best part is that you can create them however you like!
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Look at how amazing these are:
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From the Star Wars website:

The LEGO Art sets offer a new creative experience to help you relax and recharge, transforming a blank canvas (or in this case, small interlinking base plates) using LEGO tiles. Each set can be reimagined in a number of different ways to express the personality of each different builder, and to make it easy and simple to refresh the LEGO Art piece on display. Plus, each LEGO Art set comes with a bespoke soundtrack that makes the perfect building companion. Featuring fascinating anecdotes from the creative minds who brought the galaxy far, far away to life, the soundtrack dives deep into the inspiration behind each design for a fully immersive and educational building experience.

What do you think of this LEGO product? Do you think it would be something you could do yourself? I can’t wait til they release it in my country and then I’ll be able to make them and upload it to the blog!

So excited 😄

As always, stay safe my friends and keep creating and I’ll catch you in the next one!

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Thanks for your support!

15 thoughts on “Star Wars LEGO Art for Adults Releasing August!

  1. I have a lot of Star Wars Lego sets but I don’t think I would end up getting any of these. They certainly look interesting but I just personally prefer the ships/minifigures. Still, if someone gave me one of these I wouldn’t complain, I just have such a backlog of sets I need to build I wouldn’t get around to it for a while.

    Btw, I appreciate that you mentioned your friend who spends a fortune on them because now since we are friends you know someone who has over 100 SW Lego Sets and has NOT spent a fortune on them. Oh, don’t get me wrong, 100+ sets add up over time but I am the KING of finding clearance sales/crazy discounts. It’s basically my super power.

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    1. Hehehe well, he buys them in bulk and on-sells some of them as far as I know. But I’ve seen his collection of Star Wars stuff, LEGO is probably his main thing but he also collects Pop Vinyls. I was in competition with him for a while over those but I think he has since surpassed me on that collection too. He always buys thing new so he can sell them I guess. But he spends a lot, even on his personal collection. I mean I’ve spent a lot as well, like that 500 dollar Star Wars Skywalker Saga collection I bought recently but he goes into the thousands with one purchase.

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      1. I have this idea that eventually I will sell some of my collection, especially since I have so many Lego sets still in boxes. But part of me also is like “you only live once, so why not just enjoy having this stuff?” I just can’t decide, although as a side note I do like to buy a lot of Star Wars toys in general and give them away for free to groups that work with low-income families. I do not have the desire to have a collection of action figures, but I am happy to provide some kids out there with Star Wars action figures.

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      2. Wow, that is awesome that you do that. Now I have something I can do with the toys I’ve collected – I never thought to give them away to low income families, that’s such a generous thing to do. Thanks IT for sharing that 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Glad to hear you are motivated to do it as well! I’ve donated a lot of Star Wars toys over the years but a few years back I turned it into a little blog challenge in the two months leading up to Christmas to try and get others to participate. I didn’t do it last year (I did donate, just didn’t do any posts about it) but I’m thinking I’ll bring it back this year.

        The way I see it, I have more than enough stuff. I like the collection I have but if I can spend disposable income on items for myself, I can easily spend it on items for those who are in need.

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      4. That is such a generous thing to do and I am going to do the same. We still need to do our collab post too! Maybe we can do one later this year on giving away star wars toys for those in need, maybe a mini project 🙂 You never know, we might get more people interested in joining us 🙂


    1. I am SO excited for this lol I showed my partner and he was like “oh gosh we’re gonna be bankrupt again right?” 😂 I will definitely buy the first lot of art thingies 🙂 do you think it might be something you’d buy?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi there, the idea of Lego mosaics isn’t that new really, about a dozen years ago I visited LegoLand in Windsor (London UK) and while I was there had a bit of a shock. Not only did they have landmark 3D objects as you’d expect but they also had a “gallery” that was filled with 12-18in tall Lego busts of famous people along with matching mosaic pictures using flat flooring tile pieces. And they had a Darth Vader helmet and mosaic portrait! Other famous heads they had included Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein. However these are the first “portrait sets” that are commercially available, even if they do look a bit like 8-Bit computer graphics from the 80/90’s!


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