Star Wars Trivia – Did You Know? #3

Here’s today’s trivia question Star Wars geeks! Think you know the answer without using Google?

Which species stole the plans to the Death Star?


Again, I should have known this one because well, I’ve seen these movies so many times it’s almost embarrassing to admit lol πŸ˜‚

And the answer is:



Let me know if you knew this one in the comments. If you’ve got any other trivia questions for my post, please feel free to comment any time!

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14 thoughts on “Star Wars Trivia – Did You Know? #3

    1. Oh yes lol hmm, perhaps I could have worded it a little more clearly πŸ™‚ But thank you for the comment and yes, I agree there is so much of star wars I’d love to see as well πŸ™‚

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      1. Hi Julie, you’re close. Boolio and Dobbu Scay are voiced by Patrick Williams…BUT Patrick Williams is also a character. That isn’t his real name…Patrick is really someone much more famous. I’ll let you have another guess before I tell you who Patrick really is😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. If you had said Mark Hamill…you would have won the Internet. Patrick Williams is Mark’s alter ego when he has cameo appearances! Dobbu Scay was the alien in the Canto Bight casino that tried to use BB-8 as a slot machine, Mark provided the voice. Boolio was the spy in Rise of Skywalker who passed the data transfer cable to Finn when the Falcon and the spy ship rendezvous…and later gets decapitated, was voiced by Mark and Mark voiced Patrick Williams! Oh and the origins of Patrick and William are the names of his brothers…Mark just put the two together to create his spare name 😊

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      3. You were also close with Anthony Daniels but he had a “face” character cameo in the Outlander Nightclub scene in AOTC.
        Another actor who made a face cameo was Ray Park in Phantom Menace. Look closely and watch in slow motion as the Theed Security Guards storm the palace – there is a group of four troopers who run from one side of the palace corridor across to the big windows, and look closely at the fourth trooper in line (last on the right) and you’ll see a thin faced guy…that’s Ray “Darth Maul” Park!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Lol wow I never knew that. Here’s a bit of trivia but you probably already know it and that is that one of the actresses that plays one of Padme’s handmaidens is actress Keira Knightly and Keira has often confirmed people think she is Natalie Portman to this day lol

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Hi yes I knew about Keira and Natalie sharing duties…but here is a funny one. When you see Padma staring out of the palace window in the palace, she is wearing the red/gold dress with the lighted globes…well on the runner board/skirting board just behind her there was a crack and because of the camera angle made it look like there was a power cable running to her dress!

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