Creative Writing Prompt #1 – Outside the Window: What’s the weather outside your window doing right now?

Here is my first writing prompt “creative” writing exercise. If anyone else is interested in doing this, the creative writing prompts can be found here. Do let me know if you decide to join me in this challenge 🙂 I’m not too sure how many words I’m supposed to write for these prompts, so I’ll just start off with a small one for now and maybe increase the word count as I progress. Also, please let me know what you think of my writing prompt exercises, any hints, tips or advice are always welcome in the comments!

On with the prompt:

A sorrowful shade of melancholy grey covered the skyline as far as I could see. Both tumultuous and serene in its movements, it carried my worrisome thoughts of work far away.

Would it rain? Would the sea of melancholy grey finally unleash its fury upon my small corner of the world? Oh, how I wished this to be so for the rain was my weather companion, unlike the Sun who treated me with disdain and cruelty, its rays of relentless heat burning down upon my pale, sensitive skin.



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