Flowers for Algernon – get the tissues ready fam!

I am making a quick update because I have run into some technical issus with my Authy 2FA application on my phone. This has caused several problems because for some reason the account hasn’t synced correctly since the 23rd of June. But anyyywayyy, you probably don’t really care much about 2FA 😂

I have made some progress on the Flash Fiction side of things – not much, but some. I am still reading about how to write flash fiction but it seems to me that every article I read seems to say the same thing which is basically write, then edit and cut everything down as much as possible and then edit again. Great. A lot of editing involved, no real clue as to what is good technique. I am seeing fiction for all sorts of things, all sorts of word counts as well.

I also decided to read really quickly Flowers for Algernon. This was not on my list, I read it today when a friend told me that “this story will screw you up”… let me say that WHO in their right mind could write a story so sad and depressing and just… ugh. I am not saying the writing is bad, quite the opposite. I haven’t felt that depressed about a book in some time. If you want something to make you feel hopeful and then drop you off the side of a bridge, read Flowers for Algernon… that should deliver nicely.

Here’s a link and it’s virus free if you want to read it. I may write a review for it possibly because its so good.


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