Avar Kriss Jedi Master – The High Republic

I was adding content on Pinterest and decided to expand on this image edit I did of Avar Kriss a few weeks ago. I made a few MP4s and one with added text which I liked so I thought I’d share it with everyone.

Avar Kriss Jedi Master - The High Republic
Made by Darkside Creative

I am excited about the new content and to read about the new characters that will come out of the High Republic era. It took me a while to warm up to the idea of leaving the Skywalker saga behind. Not that I am really leaving them behind, but Disney certainly is moving on, and as fans, I guess we need to adapt and open up to the prospect of a new legacy and a new era.

As always, enjoy my friends, feel free to share on social media or wherever you’d like!

Til the next post, keep safe, keep creating, and I’ll catch you later

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4 thoughts on “Avar Kriss Jedi Master – The High Republic

  1. Cool technique! I like what you did with her hair. I guess it is hard to say goodbye to the Skywalkers but having watched the animated shows, I’m curious to explore the galaxy with other characters.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey there 🙂 I hope you are well! And yeah, I had a think about it over the lockdown period and really it’s quite simple as a fan you get to choose. You can remain a fan of the Skywalker saga and not embrace anything new. I remember how I felt when they announced the sequel trilogy. I remember seeing Adam Driver for the first time as Kylo Ren and actually cringing lol. And now I am one of his biggest stans 😀 So it just goes to show that you can never really know unless you open yourself up to the possibility that change brings. I try to do this but I am a little bit rigid when it comes to certain things in my life. Star Wars is definitely one of those things where I think that if I am going to dedicate my time to this franchise, I should be getting something out of it at least, I mean what are fandoms for if not enjoyment, you know? Oops sorry for the detailed reply lol, thanks for dropping by and keep safe out there my friend! 🙂


      1. Ha ha! I think I also had a “huh?” moment when Kylo Ren first unmasked himself. “Um, this guy is kinda young to be taking over the galaxy…” But you make a good point about being passionate about fandoms. I wouldn’t say “rigid” though, perhaps we are dedicated and/or particular when it comes to certain fandoms. I know there are some books/films/tv shows I critique whereas others I love so much, will ignore any criticism and insist they are the best ever.

        There’s so much being discussed regarding Star Wars, and speculation about other stories following “The Mandalorian”, so now’s a great time to dive fully into it. And as a fan, you get to pick what you want. So go for it and enjoy! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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