Who is Your Favourite Star Wars Duo?

I saw this fun quiz online and thought some of my readers might appreciate taking part in this. If you had to choose, who would you choose as your favourite duo in the Star Wars Universe from the choices below and more importantly, why?

Images via Disney/Lucasfilm

Each duo has their strengths and weaknesses although I’d be hard-pressed to tell you what those weaknesses were for Obi-Wan and Anakin. Can you tell which duo is my favourite? Did it surprise you that I didn’t choose Ben and Rey? 😂

I choose Obi-Wan and Anakin because even though they weren’t a “Dyad” in the force like Rey and Ben, they were as close to true brothers as you could get. The force bond between them was incredibly powerful, and I’ve written several posts about their bond before because I find it quite fascinating.

As Jedi Knights, they were completely attuned to one another which made them a formidable foe for any enemy to encounter. Here’s a little GIF set showing just how in-sync with one another they were:

Images via Disney and Lucasfilm

So who do you choose from the list and why? Please let me know in the comments – feel free to discuss the choices made. Is there a duo you admire from the Star Wars universe that isn’t listed? Let me know!

Stay safe, keep creating, and I’ll see you in the next post.

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