Adobe Photoshop For Beginners: Crash Course – Resizing and Resolution

Back over at the Design Tuts website, we are still working our way through the Adobe For Beginners course hosted by Adobe Guru Daniel Walter Scott.

Picking up where we left off after learning all about the Crop Tool, we are now learning about resizing documents and how to use and understand resolution in Photoshop.

The topic of resolution is a big one, but we’ll only be touching on it briefly in this video. Daniel takes us through the topic using two example images at two different resolutions. One is much bigger, and the other is much smaller.

Resolution and Resizing Adobe Beginners Crash Course

Resolution and Resizing Adobe Beginners Course
Jonathan Francisca Unsplash

Daniel explains the meaning of DPI or “dots per inch,” and why this is used as a way of measuring the resolution of an image. He also gives us two real-world examples that you might come across in your own usage of Photoshop.

If you’re getting images ready for print, you’ll want to know and understand how DPI works and how to use the “image resample” option when resizing your images. This video will give you a great beginner’s introduction to resizing and resolution in your images.

You can check out the video right here, and I’ll be doing a full summary of the course upon completion. I hope you’ll be with me right until the end!

As always, keep safe out there and keep creating!

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