PiXimperfect Tutorial – Create Light Rays in three Simple Steps with Photoshop

I’ve recently discovered a new Photoshop channel on YouTube, and it’s actually amazing. The host is one of a kind, and his tutorials are so unique and refreshing. I imagine tutoring would be a daunting task even for the most dedicated and talented artists, but Unmesh Dinda makes it look so effortless, and his approach and charm makes it easy to follow along.

The tutorials aren’t separated by difficulty level because Unmesh’s tutorials are designed for basically anyone to learn, even beginners. And I think this is one of the best things about his channel. I put this to the test by taking on the following tutorial, and I am pretty much sold so expect to see a lot more of Unmesh’s tutorials on my blog in future.

How to create Light Rays in three Simple Steps with Photoshop

The object of this tutorial is to learn how to turn a rather dull image of sunlight in a forest into something worthy of a thousand likes on Instagram (if that’s your thing). Who doesn’t want people loving their pics? And the great thing about this tutorial is you can apply these techniques to any image using different filters such as Color Dodge and blur filters such as Radial Blur. I will definitely be using this technique in other photos!

Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FEw2BrsTekĀ 

Time: 15 – 20 minutes

Level: Any

Comment: I think Unmesh Dinda is the original Guru of Photoshop and I don’t say that lightly. If you follow along with any of his tutorials, you will see exactly why he has more than a million followers on his channel. He is basically a Photoshop genius. All example assets are provided as well, which is, really awesome.

Rating: 10/10 – PERFECT RATING

Note: These images are very high quality 6000 x 4000. Here is the before:

Light Rays - PiXimperfect - Sample Image.jpg

And here is my edit after applying Unmesh’s techniques. Pretty cool, right?

Light Rays - PiXimperfect - FINAL.png

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