Star Wars Cinematic Universe – Obi-Wan Kenobi Show LEAKED Darth Vader Concept Art [POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

Happy weekend (for anyone in the Southern Hemisphere, that is!) or Happy Friday if you’re not! So obviously, if you are staying SPOILER FREE for the upcoming OBI-WAN KENOBI TV SHOW on Disney Plus – DON’T READ ANY OF THIS as it could possibly contain spoiler information about the show.


If you’re up to date on all things Star Wars, you might have already seen these concept art images reportedly leaked from the set of Obi-Wan Kenobi. As with all things that come with a “leaked” tag, take it as you will (a pinch of salt helps lol) πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

darthvader hashtag on Twitter

The images are self-explanatory as I’d guess most star wars fans would know that Hayden Christensen, AKA Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, would have ended up in a Bacta tank after the injuries he sustained during his lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan on Mustafar. So to see him in this way isn’t all that surprising to me. However, it does show an image of a mask nobody has seen before, which looks a lot different to the ones I’ve seen in artist renditions:


There is huge speculation now that Hayden Christensen could be seen a lot more with his armour off than anticipated early on when the news broke of Hayden reprising his role. But after seeing these images, I’m pretty sure that Disney wants to tell the best version of Vader’s story in the Obi-Wan show that they can. And to do that would definitely mean showing Vader out of the bacta tank and without his protective armour.

Whatever you believe, IT’S HAPPENING IT’S REALLY HAPPENING, and I am jumping for joy inside right now lol 😁 Join me in talking about the upcoming show in the comments as always! Let me know your thoughts and what you think of the images!

Stay safe, keep creating, and I’ll catch you all in the comments or in my next post!

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4 thoughts on “Star Wars Cinematic Universe – Obi-Wan Kenobi Show LEAKED Darth Vader Concept Art [POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

    1. Yeah I kinda feel that way too. I think this show will be one of the best in the Star Wars franchise. I mean it’s a direct connection to the original content George created and the original saga (being the first six films). It’s a step away from the Disney evolution of the franchise in the biggest way (even though it’s made by Disney, I wouldn’t be surprised to see George on-set at all in BTS stuff lol).

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