Star Wars Artist Showcase – Tom Jung

Hello Star Wars friends! Here’s another interesting Star Wars artist for today’s post. Hopefully, if I get time, I’ll be adding various Star Wars artist clips to social media and here. This took me a while to make mostly because I completely forgot how to edit clips in Filmora 😅😂

I’ve noticed a surge in Instagram spammers recently who leave comments on your images to follow other accounts for art promotion. I won’t be doing that as I find that so irritating. But my goal was always to try and support star wars art on IG and that’s where my focus lies (as well as making my own stuff from time to time).



I hope you liked this art and enjoyed my video! I hope you are all getting through the week okay and keeping safe!

Catch you in tomorrow’s post or in the comments!

If you like my Star Wars art posts, you can check out more of these amazing artists right here.

And while you’re there, why not consider following me on Twitter, Instagram and right here, on WordPress.

Thanks for your support!

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