The Galactic Empire and its symbolism


I’ve been looking for more generic Star Wars art to turn into plotagraphs/GIFs and I found this symbol on my travels across the internet and figured this would be a good place to start.It’s debatable whether or not this symbol represents the Galactic Empire or the Sith. Depending on the sources you find, some say that the Sith and the Galactic Empire do not have a “symbol” at all whilst others claim that the above insignia is the correct “canon” symbol for the Galactic Empire.

Whatever symbol you decide works for you, the symbol I’ve chosen above seems to look pretty kick-ass enough to be either the symbol of the Sith or the Galactic Empire.

And as always Star Wars friends, feel free to share the images or my website linkage wherever you can 🙂

Til next time!

9 thoughts on “The Galactic Empire and its symbolism

  1. Greetings Darkside Creations, I saw your activity on starwarsanon’s blog and came to check out your site. I’m glad I did as I have just started to make some graphics for my forum profile avatars and signatures. I attempted to create a signature with animated smoke passing over it but it turned out bad. Your Luke in Motion looks fantastic and has inspired me to try again with my sig.

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    1. Hi there 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind words – I’ve actually only just started creating motion art but I’ve been making gifs for a while now 🙂 I am so glad you have taken inspiration from what I’ve done 🙂 How are you making your sig file? Are you creating it in Adobe Photoshop?

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      1. You’re welcome, they are Impressive….most Impressive! I have GIMP 2.8 (I can’t afford Ps on my income!) I have tried layers and using various blend modes on those layers but whenever I playback the animation I just get white blocks that look like the transparency layer masks appearing. (I use GIMP for all my editing on my saber designs and header images).

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      2. Hi, not yet I just have a basic .png background image so far. I tried to add layers then optimise for GIF and save as an animation. I have dug around on the internet and discovered GIFs in GIMP can only have 255 colours and either full transparency or opacity (so no 50% settings) I am planning on putting some images up in my next post so will include what I have so far in that article.

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