Learn Photo Editing dot Net

As mentioned in yesterday’s post, I have been looking for other tutorials to review and discovered Learn Photo Editing dot Net. One of the things I’m working on along with my Photoshop skills is photo editing.

I am keen to try this out as a side hustle while writing on the side as well. With everything so up in the air these days, I think it’s a good idea to try and have something to fall back on and I figured while I was writing I could also concentrate more on photo editing techniques.

I am not sure how much I paid for access to this site, I think it was around $30 NZ dollars so around $24.00 USD which I thought was a great price considering some courses cost hundreds. I have spent some time looking online for the right kind of course to take and this guy really knows what he’s doing. I am okay with spending a little bit of money to learn a skill that I’ll probably use for a lifetime.

So here’s the site in question and I’ve started on the very first tutorial which is the Glamour Shoot tutorial. I don’t think you can see these links because they’re behind a pay wall (you have to subscribe) but I can show you some before and after shots so you can see what I’ve been learning and whether or not it’s something you might consider doing yourself.

Within a very short space of time, I was able to get this model’s face looking a lot smoother and her skin looking a lot clearer than the original image:


Before Image for Glamour Shot Techniques in Photoshop
Image Source: LPE

And after touching up the image with the Spot Healing brush this is the result:

After shot using the Spot Healing Brush in Photoshop
Image Source: LPE Edited by Darkside Creative

I think the most awesome thing about using this technique is that the brush pulls from the surrounding pixels in the image. This is why the end result looks so natural. If you zoom into this image, you can still see pores and skin discolouration so the model’s skin still looks natural and flawed and not perfect or fake.

I think you can go overboard with image editing and once it starts looking like it’s no longer realistic, it loses its appeal. And you don’t want certain photos to look unnatural such as Wedding photos as an example.

Let me know what you think of the above images or whether or not you’ve used some of these techniques yourself in photo editing. I’m keen to hear everyone’s stories!

Until tomorrow, stay safe friends and keep creating!

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